
The Century Of The Self

The Century Of The Self is a fantastic documentary, produced by the BBC, that examines how Sigmund Freud's nephew helped the U.S. government and U.S. corporations transform the American worker into the American consumer. This four part documentary will really open your eyes (Americans, at least) to some things about the advertising we see every day, how much it changed America, and how it influences us. Turn off "The Hills" or whatever garbage you're watching, and watch something that will actually expand your mind. Or don't, it makes you more easily controllable.



Boxer Takes A Sucker Punch And Gets Jumped Nasty For It

Public Fights Boxer - For more funny movies, click here

Amazing Blind Kid Teaches Himself To See With Echo Location

A short video about Ben Underwood, who lost both of his eyes to cancer at 3 years old. He subsequently taught himself to see by making a clicking sound and reading the echo, like sonar. The things he can do are pretty amazing.

Teen Tourrette's Camp Video

Cartman's dream.


Canadian PSA- Prevent Horrific Grease Accidents?

This is by far the most disturbing legitimate public service announcement I have ever seen. Congratulations Canada, you win the prize for being more psychotic than America in at least one way.

The Well Of Death - OK, This Is Just Insane

Just wait til the cars get going. Here's a page telling you what's going on. Link



Strange Garfield

Anybody else think today's Garfield was a little weird?


This Baby Gives The Evil Eye

That's a funny baby.

Home Made Spider Mech!!


Auditory Illusions

This is the coolest thing the internets have brought me in a long damn time. Go to this page, put on headphones, and listen to the virtual haircut. I guarantee amazement. Guaranteed.

*You have to listen through headphones, numbnuts!*



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How To Bring Democracy To The U.S.

We need instant runoff voting.


Painful Juxtaposition

What we do with our wealth.

The picture is from Sudan, 1993. It was taken by acclaimed photographer Kevin Carter. Carter committed suicide in 1994. The skull was created by Damien Hirst. It is made of platinum, and covered with 8,601 diamonds. It is valued at roughly $100 Million.

Some Nice Black And White Photos Of The Female Form

NSFW - Female Nudity

Nice Tat

Ice Breakers Coming Out With Coke-Baggy Mints

Ice Breakers (Hershey) is set to release a new mint that looks like cocaine in a little plastic bag. How much you want to bet this gets pulled within days and some suit gets fired?


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Defiant Seagull


Armor For Dogs (And Squirrels)

The Pitbull Armory makes armor for your dog. And also some for squirrels. I'm definitely buying this for my dog, and the squirrels in my yard. This time when we perform our annual squirrel- versus- dog Braveheart reenactment, I won't have to pay so much in vet fees.



Bet You Don't Know Where NYC Manhole Covers Come From

Ok, you guessed it. They're made by these barefoot guys slaving in a factory in India. Click the link on the mid left for a an audio slideshow. Anything to save a buck, eh guys? eh? *sigh*


This Guy Reviewed "2 Girls 1 Cup" For His College Film Class

Contrary to the professor's obvious confused revulsion, I thought the review was pretty well done. If you don't know what "2 Girls 1 Cup" is, you're both missing out, and blessed for not having seen it. It's a short video that has swept the internet like Jose's broom over the dining hall floor. It's a visual train wreck; the perfect storm of a revolting scenario, classical music, and two women who's parents must be oh so proud. If you are curious and brave enough to watch what could quite possibly be the most vile, yet torturously captivating thing you will ever see, you can google for "cupchicks." That's right, I'm not linking to it. If however you've already witnessed what is no doubt the opening of the sixth seal of Armageddon, just read this guy's report on it. It's damn funny.


**UPDATE** There are plenty of reaction videos out there showing people's reactions to the video mentioned above. I just had to post this one of somebody's poor grandmother.

Politically Incorrect Ads From The 50's

Apparently, if your wife prepared the wrong brand of coffee, it was common practice to lay her on your lap and spank her. Was this tongue in cheek sexual back then, or straight up about beating on your special lady friend?


A Short Comic

How Much Alcohol Would It Take To Kill You?

It would take 22 bottles of Pabst Blue Ribbon to kill me, but only 19 bottles of Mickey's Ice. Hmmm.


And Now The Obligatory Elephant Throwing Darts At Balloons

Bizarre Items From The Skymall Catalog

I love the SkyMall catalog. It contains items so worthless and overpriced, that only people captive at 30,000 feet, stuffed between two fatties and breathing festering, recycled air would even think about buying them. Ahhh, the friendly skies.


Katt Williams On Killing "Insurgents" (NSFW)


Oddly Mesmerizing Video Of Melting Bunnies

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Guy Gets A DUI On A Lawnmower - Absolutely Hilarious

It gets so good at the end. Watch the whole thing.



These Guys Are Really Smart

A great video of how not to push a car over. My favorite part is at the end when the guy seems to just yell at it. Very effective.


How CNN Manages To Suck More Than Fox News


More Rap Songs Translated Into Charts And Graphs

Mystery Ghost Cloud Has Come To Kill Us All, Wash Our Windows

This mysterious, blue ghost cloud appeared on a gas station's surveillance video. It does seem to move purposely. Judge for yourself.

The World's 25 Weirdest Toys

As you may have guessed, most of these come from everyone's favorite land of plastic insanity - Japan.


Fast Food: Ads Vs. Reality

Some pics of what they show you, versus what you actually get. I don't care what they look like, those KFC bowls are like having sex with Thanksgiving.



The Latest From Kelly

Let Me Borrow That Top
Just keep watching. It's worth it. I actually heard this song on XM radio, and I was so disturbed I pulled the E brake going 73 miles per hour. It was worth it.

When Pranks Go Wrong

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Amazing Wingsuit Basejumping

These guys either have a severe lack of adrenaline, are incapable of feeling pain, or are just plain nuts.

F1 Lawnmower

It's CGI rendered, but still cool. More pics.

Rap Songs Represented In Charts And Graphs


Father/Son and Mother/Daughter Split Portraits

Very cool portraits made merging photos of 2 family generations.


Mindless Self Indulgence / Pokemon Mashup

Bitches love me cause the know that I can rock. NSFW

NPR's New Music Site

NPR has just launched a site where you can listen to tons of free music and NPR programs. Check it out and edumacate yourself a bit.


Cool Porcelain Coke Cans


Gangsta Breath Mouth Spray

Check out this mouth spray made especially for the G's, Lieutenant.




Some Cool Art Pics

NSFW - Naked Chicks

art1 art2

And a random picture I thought was cool.