Ever thought, "I wish I could download all those incredibly unflattering Facebook photos that others have so kindly uploaded to the permanent annals of the internet and tagged with me in one easy click?" Well think no more. Some wonderful asshole named Martey Dodoo has created a program that does just that.
The creatively named Photo Downloader will download all photos tagged with your mug from Facebook and save 'em on your computer.
The program can also download your photo albums, and friends' photo albums.
You can download the program from Martey's page here. While you're there, think about donating a buck or two you freeriding twat; Martey hasn't eaten in days.
Anyway, to use the program:
1. Download
2. Run the .exe
3. Open your browser
4. Click "Login"
5. Login
6. Click "Done"
7. Click the type of photos to retrieve
8. Pick a save spot
9. Click "OK"
10. Enjoy your sweet, sweet low-res photos.
The creatively named Photo Downloader will download all photos tagged with your mug from Facebook and save 'em on your computer.
The program can also download your photo albums, and friends' photo albums.
You can download the program from Martey's page here. While you're there, think about donating a buck or two you freeriding twat; Martey hasn't eaten in days.
Anyway, to use the program:
1. Download
2. Run the .exe
3. Open your browser
4. Click "Login"
5. Login
6. Click "Done"
7. Click the type of photos to retrieve
8. Pick a save spot
9. Click "OK"
10. Enjoy your sweet, sweet low-res photos.